back to school orientation

10th - 12th Grade Orientation

Students, Parents, & Guardians: 

We hope you are enjoying summer break! Greetings to all returning students to HHS and welcome to all freshmen and new students. Each Sunday evening (or Monday if we have a holiday) Mr. Rollinger will reach out to you with an email giving you pertinent information on the upcoming week. This is our way of helping you keep track of what is going on at HHS and reminding you of things you will need to do for the week. We hope you find this communication helpful. 

Ryan Rollinger  
Harrisburg High School Principal  

Kay Bass
Assistant Principal | Harrisburg High School

10th - 12th Grade

Dr. Katie Cook
Dean of Students | Harrisburg High School

10th - 12th Grade

Are You a New Student?

You will have a one-on-one appointment with your Counselor to review your schedule on New Student Orientation Day (August 15th, 10 AM - 6 PM), tour the building, and pick up your iPad device. Mark your calendar, and stay turned for further information via email/text message as we get closer to August. New Student Orientation Info

Visit our Counseling Website for further helpful information!


โฐ Orientation Day

All High School students will have an Orientation Day August 19th from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM.  

  • This is a required day and will run as a regular day of school for students.  The high school day runs from 8:00 am-2:58 pm. 

  • Busses will run and breakfast and lunch will be served (bring last yearโ€™s ID for lunch). 

  • If your student will not be able to attend the August 19th Orientation Day, please communicate with the attendance office.  Call 743-2567 ext. 6215 to leave a voicemail or email.

2024 - 2025 Device Usage Fee

If you have not yet done so, parents must pay the device usage fee through MySchoolBucks or bring cash or check (made out to HHS). 

  • $30 iPad device usage fee 

    • If you pay the same day as pick-up, please send a copy of the receipt (screenshot or email) for payment verification. 

    • If you pay one day in advance, it will be documented on our daily reports.

    • If you paid in May to keep your device over the summer, that fee applies to the 24-25 school year.

Important Dates

๐Ÿ’ป Computer/iPad Pick-Up

Thursday, August 15th 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Students are encouraged to pick-up their own device, as they will need to log-in and set up their accounts. 

  • Building maps and tours will be available for any student who would like one.

๐Ÿ“ธ School Pictures

Students will take their school picture on August 19th during Orientation Day.

  • This picture will be used for their ID AND yearbook school picture.

  • Order pictures

  • Retake Day is Monday, September 30th.

๐Ÿ—“ Schedules

Schedules will be available for viewing on Monday, August 12th. 

Important Information

Junior Class Dues

Junior Class Dues goes toward Prom and Graduation.

$35 Cash or Check made payable to HHS can be turned into the front office.

๐Ÿ“š Lockers & School Supplies

Lockers are not required. However, if you would like a locker, please fill out this form. A locker will be assigned to you and will show up on your schedule once it has been assigned. In your Infinite Campus Portal, go to the Reports tab. Look for your schedule. Once it is assigned, it will appear on the top of your schedule.

  • Students can also bring school supplies on Orientation Day.

  • There is no set high school supply list. We recommend students bring headphones, pens, pencils, a single subject notebook and a scientific calculator.

  • Teachers will discuss other specialized items needed for their classes on orientation day.


  • View HHS Counseling information here.

    • Dana Bigge: CL 12, CL 11 Last Name L-Z, & 10th Grade Last Name S-Z

    • Mikell Hebig: TL 11th-12th Last Name A-K & 10th Grade Last Name A-F

    • Aryca Lothrop: CL 11 Last Name A-K, 10th Grade Last Name G-K, & 9th Grade Last Name A-F

    • Leigh Thelen: TL 11th-12th Last Name L-Z & 10th Grade Last Name L-R

๐Ÿฉบ Health Services

 ๐ŸŽ Child Nutrition

๐ŸšŒ Bus Route Information

For those who may need bus transportation: