Volleyball Camp

The Harrisburg Tigers Volleyball Camp is organized and run by Harrisburg Volleyball coaches and players. At the camp, participants can expect skills lessons, volleyball games, and FUN!

All participants grades K-5 (boys and girls) will attend camp in the gym at the school they attend. Elementary participants can go down to the gym after school is released. A Harrisburg staff member will supervise the gym until the camp begins. Also, for the first time, the Harrisburg Volleyball Team is eager to host a BOYS volleyball camp for grades 6-12, which will take place at Harrisburg High School.

Cost: $20 – Payment will be accepted the day of the camp. Checks made to Harrisburg Volleyball.

 March 18: Grades K-2 @ Elementary Gym (3:30-5:00)

(Note: Horizon will host camp only on March 18th for grades K-5)

March 19: Grades K-3 @ Elementary Gym (3:30-5:00)

March 20: Middle and High School Boys Grades 6-12 @ Harrisburg High School (5:30-7:00)

 Registration closes February 26. Use this link to register!
