The Harrisburg Tigers Volleyball Camp is organized and run by Harrisburg Volleyball coaches and players. At the camp, participants can expect skills lessons, volleyball games, and FUN!
All participants grades K-5 (boys and girls) will attend camp in the gym at the school they attend. Elementary participants can go down to the gym after school is released. A Harrisburg staff member will supervise the gym until the camp begins. Also, for the first time, the Harrisburg Volleyball Team is eager to host a BOYS volleyball camp for grades 6-12, which will take place at Harrisburg High School.
Cost: $20 – Payment will be accepted the day of the camp. Checks made to Harrisburg Volleyball.
March 18: Grades K-2 @ Elementary Gym (3:30-5:00)
(Note: Horizon will host camp only on March 18th for grades K-5)
March 19: Grades K-3 @ Elementary Gym (3:30-5:00)
March 20: Middle and High School Boys Grades 6-12 @ Harrisburg High School (5:30-7:00)
Registration closes February 26. Use this link to register!